Git - Template for .gitconfig
Because there are way to many options for git
to remember it is feasible to have a template file for the .gitconfig
which is usually located in the home directory.
name = John Doe
email =
ci = commit
co = checkout
lg = log --graph --pretty=format:'%C(red)%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit --date=relative
me = merge
mom = merge origin/master
mum = merge upstream/master
st = status -sb
branch = auto
diff = auto
interactive = auto
pager = true
status = auto
ui = true
[color "status"]
added = green
changed = yellow
untracked = red
autocrlf = input
pager = less -FRSX
commentchar = $
editor = nvr --remote-tab-wait +'set bufhidden=wipe'
default = current
followTags = true
autostash = true
sort = version:refname
Some notes
The commentchar = $
option sets the character for comment lines to $
which is nice if your commit messages may start with an issue reference
like #TicketNumber
that would be ignored because #
is the default
comment character.
Another handy flag is the rebase.autostash = true
setting which will
automatically stash your local changes if you’re executing a rebase.
You might want to change the core.editor
setting because that is set to
use neovim-remote.